Our most popular service is our quarterly interior / exterior pest service. We guaranty your home to be pest free through out the year. Trouble calls if necessary are at no additional fee.
Our company was started in 1992 by Keith Smith who was formerly, the General Superintendent for crop control at McBryde Sugar Company and Kauai Coffee Company. He foresaw the eventual demise of sugar and after months of agonizing over leaving an 18 year career he decided to move on. With a Bachelor of Science Degree in Tropical Agriculture from U.H. Manoa and an extensive background in agricultural crops and pest control he decided to start a company specializing in commercial and residential pest control. The end of one career became the beginning of another and thirty plus years later we are a well established company on Kauai.
Over the years we have experienced many changes and new innovations in the pest control industry and we tailor our services to utilize all the latest innovations and provide the best possible service.